Thursday, February 4, 2016

Week 23: 1/28/2016-2/4/2016

This past week I participated in a mathematical modeling competition, called COMAP's MCM. My team and I had to develop a model to determine the best strategy a person can take to maintain the heat in a bathtub. Then we had to write a paper proposal describing the model and our findings. It started on Thursday, 1/28/2016, at 8pm and ended Monday, 2/1/2016, at 8pm.

I also looked into TraMineR to see if it would be a useful tool for sequential analysis on eye-tracking data. I found that it would be a useful tool to modify our data into an appropriate format to run on another algorithm, called ScanMatch. It would also be useful for visualizing the common and not so common sequences of eye-gazes that eye-tracking data produce.

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